Building a Safe Space: Understanding and Overcoming Workplace Harassment

Ever heard of something called “workplace harassment”? It’s like when someone is being mean or unfair to another person at work. But don’t worry, we’re here to talk about it and figure out how we can make our workplaces safe and friendly for everyone.

What is Workplace Harassment?

Workplace harassment is when someone is treated badly, teased, or bullied at work. It’s like when a friend is not nice to you, but at your job. Let’s look at some examples of workplace harassment:

Types of HarassmentExamples
Verbal HarassmentHurtful words or teasing
Physical HarassmentUnwanted touching or hitting
CyberbullyingMean messages or teasing online
DiscriminationTreating someone differently because of who they are

Recognizing Workplace Harassment

It’s important to know when something is not okay at work. If someone is being mean or making you feel uncomfortable, that’s not okay. Here are some signs of workplace harassment:

Signs of HarassmentWhat It Might Look Like
Mean WordsSomeone saying unkind things to you
Unwanted TouchingSomeone touching you when you don’t want it
ExclusionNot letting someone join activities or groups
TeasingMaking fun of someone in a hurtful way

Speaking Up – Your Superpower Against Harassment

If you see or experience workplace harassment, it’s important to speak up. Your voice is powerful! Here’s what you can do:

Your SuperpowerHow to Use It
CommunicationTell a trusted adult or supervisor about it
FriendshipSupport your friends and let them know they’re not alone
ConfidenceStand up for yourself and say it’s not okay
ReportUse reporting systems at work to tell someone in charge

Creating a Safe Work Environment

We all want our workplaces to be happy and safe. Here are some ways we can make our workplaces better:

Creating a Safe SpaceWhat You Can Do
InclusionInclude everyone and make them feel welcome
KindnessBe kind to your coworkers and treat them with respect
TeamworkWork together to solve problems and help each other
ReportingUse reporting systems if you see or experience harassment

Understanding Differences

Sometimes, people are mean because they don’t understand or are scared of things that are different. Let’s celebrate our differences and learn from each other:

Celebrating DifferencesHow We Can Embrace Diversity
RespectTreat everyone with respect, no matter how they look or act
LearningAsk questions and learn about different cultures
FriendshipMake friends with people who are different from you
InclusionInclude everyone in activities and conversations

Seek Help from Trusted Adults

If you’re ever unsure about something or need help, don’t hesitate to talk to a trusted adult. They can offer guidance and support to make your workplace a better and safer space for everyone.


Congratulations, workplace superheroes! Now you know what workplace harassment is and how to overcome it. Remember, your voice is powerful, and by speaking up, creating a safe environment, and embracing differences, you can make your workplace a happy and friendly place for everyone. Keep being awesome and making a positive impact!